jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

China Gets a Rare Look at Its Pre-Revolutionary History

Sidney Gamble photos, housed at Duke, will be exhibited at the Capital Library of China in Beijing 

DURHAM, NC - A new exhibit of historical photographs at the Capital Library of China offers a rare glimpse of daily life in Beijing in the early 20th century, a turbulent period in Chinese history. 
"Beijing Through Sidney Gamble's Camera" will run June 16-30 and Oct. 14-30 as part of the library's centennial celebration this year. An opening ceremony and reception will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday, June 18. A public talk with the exhibit curators, Guo-Juin Hong and Luo Zhou of Duke University and Beijing specialist Han Pu, will take place from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, June 19.
The exhibit is a joint project with the Duke University Libraries, which hold the originals of the photographs on display.
Photographs of China from the early 20th century are relatively uncommon. Of those images that survived the political upheaval of the Cultural Revolution, most were taken by foreign travelers whose photos returned home with them. Such was the case with the extensive amateur photographic work of renowned Princeton sociologist and China scholar Sidney Gamble (1890-1968).
Gamble took his first images of China in 1908 during a trip with his family. He returned three more times between 1917 and 1932 and continued photographing scenes of daily life while traveling throughout the country to collect data for socioeconomic surveys. The images he captured depict ordinary scenes of urban and rural life, architecture, religious statuary, public events, funerals, festivals and a cross-section of pre-revolutionary Chinese society.

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